11 Ways: How To Tire Out A Dog Before Work In A Small Space
In the mountains you plan to make sure your dog gets tired of this awesome hike! But what if it rains? Or if you twist your ankle?
Can you exercise your dog in a small space indoors?
How To Make A Puppy Tired Fast
Here are some of the best ways we've found your dog's body and mind to work indoors.
1. Rotate The Toys
Do you always hang your dog's old toys? Stop it! Your dog will be more interested in playing with toys that are new to him.
You don't always have to spend money on new toys. Just hide what he hasn't noticed for a while and then surprise him with it a few weeks later.
If she's a toy lover (like our honey), she'll do a good job of tying herself out by jumping with her long, lost toy.
2. Give Your Dog A Stimulating Chew Toy
Honey loves soft and stuffed toys. But in a pinch, a bottle of crushed water inside a knotted sweat sock is a fun alternative. (And it gives you a way to use paired socks that come out of the dryer!)
For some reason, most dogs go crazy for the sound of crushed water bottles. And crunch, crunch, crunching is a great way to tire your dog.
3. Play Nose Work Games to Tire Out a Dog
We took a great class at our local SPCA on the game of nose work and Honey loved it. When we board a boat in bad weather, we use a nose job to get tired of it. When he hears me, say, "Find him." Honey knows that she begins to hand over the behavior hidden around the boat. Better a poor horse than no horse at all.
You need to train your dog to understand that when you order it, "find it". But it's worth the effort because nose work is a fun way to annoy your dog no matter where you are.
4. Play Hide & Seek
This game works if you have trouble getting your dog back to the dog park!
Wait until your dog is distracted by a party, a person, or a ball. Then slide into the closet or duck behind a large piece of furniture. If your dog can't find you yet, call him. When you find it, make a big fuss and treat it.
5. Trick Training
There is nothing better than training your dog's brain. And teaching her to do tricks is fun for both of you!
Shaping is a training method in which you approach your dog one step at a time, one step at a time. For example, to train your dog to close the door, I want to say yes and treat him if he is facing the door. Once he is confidently facing the door to receive trust, wait for him to approach the door before inviting him. Work your way up until your dog is touched, and then pull the door through his nose for a reward.
6. Set Up An Obstacle Course
There are many ways to get your dog tired of the barrier. You can put a tape on your door so your dog can jump to go or go down a long lim bar.
You can also arrange the furniture to walk around them. If allowed, jump them over and over sofas and other furniture. Remember to be respectful - not all homes want pets on the furniture.
All our furniture on the boat is pet friendly. So we use Honey's favorite stuffed toys to encourage her to jump out of the seats and climb the first few steps of our ladder.
7. Wrestle Or Play Tug
Honey likes to play tug. We trained him to stop biting, so we can play fast tug games. My husband also lands on the ground and fights with honey. As long as it's under control, they both enjoy a little more comfortable accommodation.
If your dog gets over this kind of game, you want to avoid it. But for some dogs, it's fun to walk on the floor with your favorite person.
8. Play Fetch
Yes, recovery is a big game. If you don't live in a museum, here it is.
We play on the stairs, using toys that make weird noises like Kang Wuba. Using the stairs to retrieve the game keeps the game going by forcing your dog to walk down.
9. Play The Shell Game
You'll need some extra stinky treats and two cups to play the shell game. Show your dog the treat and let him see that you put it under one of the two cups.
Switch the cup once or twice to find a treat from your pull-up. Somewhere Most dogs knock on invitational cups.
As your dog learns to play, make it more difficult. You can add a third cup, use a mild odor treatment, or spend more time moving the cup around.
10. Chase Bubbles to Tire Out a Dog
A strong hunting dog loves to chase bubbles. Just whip your stick and bubble your dog until he gets tired!
Make sure you use a bubbling blend that won't hurt your dog's eyes. You can get bubbles (yes, really!) With bacon or peanut butter. Or make your own - less interesting but safer - using glycerin and water.
11. Feed Your Dog Using A Food Toy
If your dog has to work hard to eat food, at the same time it gets tired of trying to slow it down.
We have been feeding honey with food toys since the age of 8 weeks. Her first plastic bottle was balanced when she opened it. We put his bucket inside, keep the bottle balanced around his neck, and encourage him to blow his nose. While she was eating what was left out, we refilled the bottle.
From there, he graduated with more advanced toys, including Kang Woobler, which required him to work the toy throughout the room to feed it.
The result of feeding honey from food toys all these years? As soon as they eat. Then he takes a deep nap.
If you're worried about the noise your dog may be playing with the Kang Wobbler, try a snuff mat instead.
Or, if your dog is particularly cautious, get a food puzzle that will help them solve their eating problems.
The mental energy required from food toys paired with the aroma of brain-stimulating food makes your dog tire faster than a long ramp at a dog park.
Congratulations, now you know how tired a dog is!
Hopefully, the next time you get stuck indoors, you'll find your dog tired. At least look at these ideas.
Remember to choose an activity that will help your dog. Be appropriate
Take care of your dog. Don't leave her in a hotel room or in a camp with a toy unless you know she's perfectly safe for it.
Know the limits of your dog. A senior papal with common problems is not the best candidate to play fire on the stairs. And a dog that destroys toys may be more suitable for gimmick training than chewing stuffed socks.
Most of all, enjoy it. Who knows You will find that your dog is just as happy to walk in with you as he is to walk in the mountains or swim on the beach.