5 Tips To Training A Labrador Puppy
No dogs were born all-knowing.They need to undergo training starting at a young age, as it will work better that way.Training must be a part of Labrador puppy’s everyday life and you can start now. Below are some tips to get started, so keep on scrolling!
Labrador Breed Definition:
Labradors are a smart dog breed in following commands. It demands high maintenance and physical attention because of their energetic behavior.Full-grown Labs can weigh up to 80-pounds, which is obviously a huge breed. A quality dog food is necessary to meet Labs’ dietary needs to strengthen them for all the training sessions.
The best time to start training Labrador puppies is around two months and continues to be a life-long commitment. However, a lot of dog trainers have conflicting views on when to start training puppies.
The truth is, owners can tell whether a pup is ready for training or not, with safety in mind.
5 Training Tips for Labrador Puppies:
Consider preparing the right tools for the job to get started. Get a leash, crate, or anything you need to finish the training successfully. Bring with you some dog treats to motivate your pet to do better.
Here are our five training tips to make things easy for you and your Labrador puppies:
1. Basic Training:
There is no need to force a pup in doing training suitable for older dogs. It might stress up the pet and no longer even begin a piece of training. Search for dog pieces of training suitable for a puppy. You can start indoors in teaching a puppy some basic pieces of training.
Start with basic commands like sitting down, rolling over, giving paw, and other pup-friendly tricks.You can do it inside the house, as most puppies feel safer indoors at first. Make sure the environment is calm not to trigger the excitement of the pup.
2. Leash Training:
This training is best for puppies because older dogs love to explore without a leash. It would be challenging on the first walks as the puppy will feel caught up by the halter.
When the pup pulls itself to escape, be gentle in holding the leash with a stronger grip not to let him go away. The pup will learn to keep calm as you walk him on a leash more often.
Begin indoors and then go outside when you feel the pup has been walking nicely with a leash. Expect him to be wild when something strange comes on his way.
3. Potty Training:
Puppies sometimes empty their bladder indoors and outdoors every after 20-minutes. It can be a struggling action to always wait for the pup when he/she is about to pee.
Dogs leave their waste anywhere they want too. Having pets sometimes ruin the house that could be stressful for the keepers.Potty training helps to teach younger dogs the right place to do toilet habits.
Purchase a pup crate for potty training. They are available in pet stores at an affordable price. This tool helps to lessen the burden of the owner as the dog gets older. Make the pup familiar on the crate on how it works. It will take many tries for the pup to finally absorb positive toilet habits at home.
You can do potty training even without a crate. This requires constant supervision on the puppy and lots of commands. Get the pup outside the house to keep him reminded that outdoor is the right spot to pee on.Always remove any trace of waste with a stain and odor remover.
A potty crate must not be used as a punishment for the pet. It can be a place of rest when the pup grows bigger.
4. Positive Reinforcement Training:
On the above training session, there will be times the pup could commit bad behavior. It is never right to hurt a pet just because he made some mistakes. Remember,they do not have high wisdom about everything just like humans.
Correct dogs in a positive way and yet they will learn not to make the same mistakes again.There are tools to use in this training, like a clicker. You can buy one at pet supply stores. It is a handheld device with a clicking sound. The produced sound will correct the behavior of the pup right away.
Prepare a treat reward and give it to the pup as soon as it performs the right behavior. Look for other tools if the clicker does not work for your pet.
5. Socialization Training:
Some home pets become fearful of other people and even other dogs as they grow older. That is why you must train a pup outdoors every once and a while to make him expose to new experiences.
Before a puppy reaches 14 weeks old,it must undergo socialization training. It could be hard to introduce the pet to the outside world beyond the said age. A little reminder, make sure your pup has finished its vaccinations before letting him down on the ground.If not yet, carry the pup in your arms and start meeting other dogs or people.
Labradors are known to be an aggressive breed and so this training is very important for them.Walking on parks with the puppy on the leash helps to lessen its social anxiety when it gets old. You may also join him on pet shows at a young age just to boost his confidence in the public.
Having guests at home will never be difficult with a well-trained pet. They will be surely amazed at how you raised your Lab!
Final Thoughts:
Many dog owners do not succeed in training Labrador puppies because of inconsistency.Do not expect too much in the first weeks of training and have more patience toward the pup.
Better plan ahead to avoid some conflicts while performing the training session. Ask for expert’s help to give you some ideas or tips to grow your dog into an obedient and smart pet.
Can you share some of your training tips for Labrador puppies? Let us help one another to raise more bright Labradors in the future!